Wo sind all die echten Männer? Lost Boys, Peter Pans & warum Männlichkeit im Feuer gemacht wird.
Ildiko Csamay Ildiko Csamay

Wo sind all die echten Männer? Lost Boys, Peter Pans & warum Männlichkeit im Feuer gemacht wird.

"Contain your woman. Sort your shit out elsewhere. Lead. The leader does not ask to be contained by those he leads. He is contained by his superiors - other, better men.

He never goes 50/50 with a woman.

You want tits in your face and blowjobs?

You want feminine gifts, nourishment?

You want surprise chocolate cake and little butter tarts on your desk?

Then no whiny bullshit ever with her.

Lead her. Contain her. It's as simple as that."

- Noah Cebuliak
